Thursday 01 January 2015 – Statera Podcast Interview

Hi all, I had the pleasure and the honour to once again sit down with my good friend Adrian from the Statera Podcast and be interviewed and deeply converse and contemplate particular facets of our existence. If you feel like taking the time to listen, we would both be grateful. Additionally, we only touch on some pertinent personal and sociocultural issues and any additional insight here would of course be welcomed.

When as a community we move towards sincerely evaluating our collective space on this Earth together we essentially open the metaphoric door to evolution at multiple levels. It is crucial we tackle today’s concerns, issues, inequity’s together. With this in mind it is also essential that we tap in to our infinitesimal potential as a collective. 

Can you imagine that if for one moment, the entirety of humanity had a unified thought and then actioned that thought, how powerful and pertinent would that be…? With this in mind, imagine if that actionable thought was aligned with evolving and growing, expanding our consciousness and encompassed an inclusive attitude towards our existence. How powerful would that be? What would we expose ourselves to within the unified field of consciousness and within the endless boundaries and fabric of space…? 

Our journey is about discovery, learning, growing and expanding our potential together. Simply put, if it were not this, your existence would be non-relational. To nothing, to no one… As a collective all living beings are here to learn, grow and evolve from each other; As individuals, we are here to realise that all of existence is a mirror of our internal state of being and driving consciousness.

Thank you once again Adrian for the opportunity to join you and learn… SS.

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